Premier Chiropractic Clinic

Therapeutic Ultrasound

If you struggle with a soft tissue injury, chronic joint inflammation, chronic connective tissue strain, or painful scar tissue accumulation around muscles, you should know about the healing benefits of therapeutic ultrasound at Premier Chiropractic Clinic. Ultrasound treatment, in conjunction with chiropractic care and other non-invasive techniques, can help you overcome your pain, stiffness, and other musculoskeletal limitations. Take a look at this safe, drug-free road toward a more functional and comfortable life.

What Is Therapeutic Ultrasound?

The term “ultrasound” refers to sound waves generated in a frequency range far above that of human hearing. While you may have heard of it in the context of diagnostic imaging, therapeutic ultrasound operates at different frequencies than diagnostic ultrasound. The therapeutic instruments usually generate frequencies of 1MHz or 3MHz. 

When ultrasonic energy comes into contact with injured or ailing human tissues, some remarkable changes can occur. The waves increase blood flow to the treatment site, warming, and relaxing the tissues while also accelerating the healing process. 

Ultrasound also causes fluids to move through and among cells more easily, a phenomenon known as streaming. Meanwhile, ultrasonic vibration appears to increase the flexibility of collagen, a component of scar tissue and other structures, so that tissues can operate more comfortably and freely.

Conditions Treated With Ultrasound

Therapeutic ultrasound can play an important role in both acute injury treatment and chronic pain management. Chiropractors, physical therapists, and other practitioners use to treat conditions such as:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Strained muscles
  • Sprained ligaments
  • Wrist pain
  • Running injuries
  • Adhesions (lumps of scar tissue that limit musculoskeletal motion)

Treatment Is Possible At Our Chiropractic Offices

We will detect neuromusculoskeletal problems, which affect your nerves, muscles, and joints. Like other types of preventive tests, spinal and postural screenings detect problems in their early stamay recommend therapeutic ultrasound as part of your chiropractic treatment plan. by using this modality to release adhesions and reduce inflammation, we can improve your body’s ability to accept and make use of chiropractic adjustments. 

Ultrasound also works well alongside massage therapy, corrective exercises, and other treatment techniques to help you manage pain or get over a nagging injury. Therapeutic ultrasound may even increase your pain threshold and help your nerves conduct signals more effectively.

Therapeutic ultrasound is quite safe for most individuals. Our team at Premier Chiropractic Clinic may recommend a different treatment strategy in cases involving pregnancy, malignant tumors, and certain other conditions.

Give us a call to schedule an appointment or book online at either our Mt Lebanon or McMurray office.


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