Premier Chiropractic Clinic

What To Expect

Chiropractor Medical Exam and Treatment Day 1

Day 1

Paperwork can be done in person or online.


  • The providers at Premier Spine and Sport always try to provide relief on the first day of you walking into the clinic.

  • We do not believe in long-term treatment plans, spanning months and years. We prefer to take a personalized approach using 3-6 visit increments. If something is not working in that time frame, we will find something or someone else that can help you.

  • The doctor will then give you suggestions on home exercises and future treatments.

Tip: It would be best to wear athletic wear so that you can move freely!

History And Exam

Our doctor will listen to your problems and concerns in a private setting. Some orthopedic, neurological, or functional exams will be used to discover your pain generator. If it is clinically warranted, your exam might include X-rays of the painful area. We will then formulate a differential diagnosis to come up with the best treatment options for your problem.


What Our Patients Say

In Pain? Need Treatment?

Simply give us a call or book an appointment online. Our professional team of chiropractors will take a closer look to suggest the best treatment for your needs. We are here to help!