Macronutrients vs Micronutrients

Did you know in many states Chiropractors can assist you with making nutritional plans tailored for your needs? It’s true! At Premier Chiropractic Clinic we can help you make diet and lifestyle changes to help amplify your health. So today we’re going to talk a bit about nutrition.


Have you heard the saying IIFYM? This means “If It Fits Your Macros.” But what is a macro?  Macro means ‘big;’ macros are molecules that our bodies uses in big quantities to create energy. Many people count macros to help gain, maintain, or lose weight, instead of counting calories. Thus began the expression IIFYM. Counting macros instead of counting calories helps you eat smarter, more diversely, and healthier. Calories are not created equally and counting macros instead of calories makes it so you are eating a diverse bunch of calories and balance them according to you body’s needs.  There are 3 macro nutrients Protein, Fats, and Carbohydrates.  1 gram of protein is 4 calories on a nutrition label. 1 gram of Fat  is 9 calories on a nutrition,  per 1 gram of carbs is 4 calories on a nutrition label. Not getting enough of these nutrients in your diet can lead to decreases in energy, brain fog, poor recovery. Also it is important to know that every person’s macro ratio is different and changes. These changes are based on a few different variable like:  

– dietary preference (keto vs plant based vs omnivore) 

– energy requirements (athlete vs desk job)

– age & sex

– goals – do you want  to gain, maintain, or lose weight

Also not all macros are created equally. You can make better protein choices than others, some fat choices are better than others, and for carbs it is always better with less processed options.


Micro nutrients are building blocks that your body needs to accomplish tasks in your body. But unlike macros we need them in smaller quantities; “micro” quantities. Basically they are anything but carbs, proteins, and fats. Many micro nutrients are co-factors in body reactions. For example magnesium is a co-factor (helper) in thousands of body processes, everything from muscle contractions to blood glucose level modulation, and many many more. 

Micro nutrients are vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are organic materials which can be broken down by heat, air, and acid. Whereas minerals are inorganic substances that maintain their structure, minerals are micronutrients that are found in water and soil, and are passed to us via the food we eat or supplements we take. Micronutrients are being used by you body every single day! They help you stay energized, the help you produce hormones and enzymes. Deficiencies of nutrients can also lead to some pretty undesirable side effects like poor digestion, thyroid issues, mental impairment, and even bone loss. Some micro nutrients you body can produce on it’s own and some you need to ingest. These are called essential nutrient. They are essential because your body cannot make them, so you have to get them from an outside source. That source can be food, water, or supplements. 


Vitamin A: an antioxidant that help prevent DNA mutation, supports skin and eye health, and more. 

Vitamin B1: aka Thiamine: muscle contraction, regulates metabolism, helps central nervous system. 

Vitamin B2: aka riboflavin: anti cancer properties, can help with hormonal imbalances like acne, prevent muscle cramps

Vitamin B6: if too low you may experience fatigue, carpal tunnel, irritability, depression, premenstrual syndrome, poor concentration, memory loss, heart

Vitamin B7: aka biotin helps with healthy sink, hair, and nails.

Vitamin B9: aka Folate the synthetic version is folic acid, key in fetus developments, important for central nervous system. If this is too low you may experience Tongue inflammation, gingivitis, poor appetite, shortness of breath, diarrhea, irritability, brain fog, heart dz.

Vitamin B12: aids in hemoglobin production. If too low you may experience anemia, fatigue, constipation, weight loss, neuropathy, depression, confusion, memory loss, rash, poor appetite, sore mouth, tongue inflammation, incontinence, heart dz

Vitamin C: aids in many immune functions, and bone health. If too low you many experience Scurvy, fatigue, malaise, gingivitis, poor wound healing, arthritis, depression like symptoms. 

Vitamin D: key role in immune functions, potential anti-cancer properties. If too low you may experience weakness, bone pain, heart dz risk, weight gain, diabetes risk, increased cancer risk, hypertension, depression, seasonal affective disorder

Vitamin E: an antioxidant that helps with heart health and protects cell membranes.

Vitamin K: crucial in blood clotting, preventing osteoporosis, protects against heart disease. 

Zinc: supports brain function, aids in heart health, immune benefits. If too low you may experience poor wound healing, weakened immunity, taste abnormalities, erectile dysfunction, poor appetite, hair loss, diarrhea, amenorrhea

Iodine: thyroid and hormone health

Iron: prevents anemia, transports oxygen to the entire body. If this is too low you may experience anemia, fatigue, weakness, brain fog, muscle pain, restless leg syndrome, weakened immunity, low body temperature

Calcium: bone health, muscle contraction, regulates high blood pressure. If too low you may experience osteoporosis, numbness, muscle pain, tremors, fatigue, poor appetite, abnormal heart rhythm

Magnesium: if too low you may experience Muscle pain, poor appetite nausea, vomiting, weakness, insomnia, osteoporosis, irritability, hypertension, fatigure, constipation, abnormal heart rhythm, elevated blood sugar, numbness, seizures, personality changes, migraines, headaches, premenstrual syndrome

Potassium: If this is too low you may experience weakness, fatigue, muscle pain, indigestion, abnormal heart rhythm

Sodium: if this is too low you may experience dehydration, poor appetite, weakness, poor concentration, confusion


Eating right is an essential part of taking care of your body. But what does eating “right” mean? Eating whole foods is the practice of eating foods with as little processing as possible; think eating a potato instead of a potato chip. Whole foods include nuts, seeds, berries, tubers, legumes, whole grain, quinoa, beans, fruits, and veggies. In Whole Food Nutrition we layer on the idea of eating specifically for your body needs, your specific macro and micro nutrient needs. For example pregnant or lactating females need more B vitamins than other females or males, but instead of synthetic B vitamins, Whole Food Nutrition is adding food sources to your diet that contain the vitamins you specifically need, or supplementing vitamins that are made from  food sources instead of synthetic sources. A specialized area of Whole Food Nutrition that interests is Dr. Ellora’s is drug induced nutrient depletions (DINDs). Sometimes how over the counter and prescription medications complete their task can reduce certain nutrients. It is essential that you address what nutrients are reduced by taking medications. Filling these gaps can even help avoid some side effects associated with some medicines. For example women on hormonal birth control are more prone to B vitamin deficiencies and Magnesium deficiencies because of known DINDs with hormonal contraceptive use. DINDs are also caused by over the counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. 

There are many medicines that cause DINDs;  Dr. Ellora and Dr. Brian can discuss with you what DINDs you may have based on what medications you take. The first line of defense is what food sources are high in these nutrients to fill in the gaps, or whole food supplements. 

 If you’re looking to learn more about how nutritional counseling and functional medicine can help you; give us a call at Premier Chiropractic Clinic in Pittsburgh at 412-341-2505. If you’re concerned that you may be expensing a nutrition deficiency we can help you get blood work ordered to see if your body has the optimal levels of various micro/macro nutrients, as well as hormones. If these levels can be altered through diet and lifestyle changes we can help guide you, if your blood work suggests a pharmaceutical intervention is needed we’ll know who to send you too.

  • Please consult your doctor before adding any new supplements to your daily regimen. Some supplements can interact with prescriptions

Written by Dr. Ellora Pollard.

Dr. Pollard and Dr. Meenan are currently accepting new patients. Please call 412-341-2505 or check out our online scheduler to set up your appointment.

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