Premier Chiropractic Clinic

Can Chiropractors Help With…

This is a question we get a lot. Can Chiropractic care help with (insert random pain here)? 

If you fill the blank with a cause of neuro-musculoskeletal pain, the answer is YES! 

What is neuro-musculoskeletal pain? 

This is pain that is caused by nerves, muscles, and the ligaments, tendons, and joints that hold your bones together. 

Some examples of neuro-musculoskeletal pain:

  • Carpal tunnel
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Sciatica
  • TMJ
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Turf Toe
  • Tennis/Golf Elbow
  • Turf Toe
  • Sprains/Strains
  • Disc herniations
  • Stenosis
  • Whiplash
  • Tendonitis
  • Ankle pain
  • Foot pain
  • Back/neck pain
  • Sprains/Strains

How do Chiropractors treat?

Some of the techniques we use in our office include:

  • Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT)

This is the Chiropractic “adjustment.” It is when the doctor helps the joint move in a more efficient range of motion. This is accomplished by delivering a very specific and controlled impulse/”push” to the joint that is not moving effectively. Research shows that there is an inverse relationship between pain and movement. If its painful, its not moving well, and if it is not moving well it’s probably painful; you can apply this to basically every joint in the body. The chiropractic adjustment help restore normal motion and has also been shown in research to have a local anti-inflammatory effect. Pretty cool right?!

  • Laser therapy

This is the use of low intensity photonic (light) energy. Photonic stimuli has been shown in research to decrease inflammation, increase cell function, and increase blood flow, all 3 of these are reason laser therapy can benefit a myriad of injuries.

  • Therapeutic ultra sound

Therapeutic ultra sound for musckuloskeletal conditions has been around since the 1950s. This technique increase blood flow, stimulates healing, and decrease pain. Ultra sound works by converting electric energy into sound waves that vibrate tissues to generate a deep heat. 

  • Kinesiology tape

KT tape, RockTape, TheraTape, muscle tape, all different names for the same thing: fabric tape that is used to give information to the brain to help stabilize a joint. This allows a joint to be stabilized by using your own muscles and not rely on a brace. This tape has a stretch component to it which allows you to not lose any range of motion while it is applied. Kinesio tape also helps lift the skin which promotes more blood flow to the area to help decrease inflammation and muscle spasms. 

  • Cupping

Made popular by Michael Phelps in the 2016 Olympics. Cupping draws blood to the area to promote healing, loosens muscles, and reduces pain signals in the area. It is an ancient Chinese healing practice that we at Premier often add a modern spin. We will sometimes add motion to cupping which is a great way to maximize these great benefits. 

  • Rehab exercises

Retraining the injured tissues helps with recovery and preventing future injury. We give advice as to which exercises should be performed and which should be avoided due to your condition. 

  • Electric muscle stimElectric muscle stim is a non painful electric current that helps temporarily block pain signals. Many patients describe the sensation as, “a mini massage.” This is also known as TENS.
  • Supplementation/life style recommendations to naturally facilitate your body’s recovery

Eating right is an essential part of taking care of your body and recovering from injury. But what does eating “right” mean? Eating whole foods is the practice of eating foods with as little processing as possible; think eating a potato instead of a potato chip. Whole foods include nuts, seeds, berries, tubers, legumes, whole grain, quinoa, beans, fruits, and veggies. 

In Whole Food Nutrition we layer on the idea of eating specifically for your body needs. Whole Food Nutrition is adding food sources to your diet that contain the vitamins you specifically need, or supplementing vitamins that are made from  food sources instead of synthetic sources. A specialized area of Whole Food Nutrition that interests is Dr. Ellora’s is drug induced nutrient depletions (DINDs). Sometimes how over the counter and prescription medications complete their task can reduce certain nutrients. For example some medications can cause a Magnesium DIND, when Magnesium is depleted it can lead to muscle aches and pain. It is essential that you address what nutrients are reduced by taking medications.

What can Chiropractic NOT help with? 

  • Nerve damaged caused by disease. Ex: diabetic neuropathy, MS, ALS, etc

Chiropractic care can help alleviate some of the muscle components of these diseases but Chiropractic care will not restore nerve damage to previous disease state. 

  • Visceral diseases. This includes heart disease, lung conditions, and basically every organ specific disease. There is some research that has demonstrated a temporary decrease in blood pressure in some patients with elevated blood pressure, however, we don’t have enough research to definitively say getting adjusted helps with lower BP. That is the problem with most research that surrounds visceral diseases and Chiropractic management. Some philosophize that because the nerves that control the organs originate in the spine, then adjusting the spine will effect the organs by effecting the nerves at their starting point. There is anecdotal evidence to support this idea but the research at this time does not definitively support this.

Written by Dr. Ellora Pollard.

Dr. Pollard and Dr. Meenan are currently accepting new patients. Please call 412-341-2505 or check out our online scheduler to set up your appointment.

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